Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

Dinosaur Park

June 2, 2015

 Today we drove up to the top of Rapid City to see the Dinosaur Park where Darren said he took a picture with his younger sister Holly around 5 years old. We couldn't miss our opportunity to snap some pics to relive a childhood memory. 
 Bradyn and I counted the steps as we walked up. He stopped after 20 because that's as high as he can count. I stopped after 56 because I was too tired to keep counting. He slipped and fell, so to make him laugh we sat him on the Stegasaurus. It didn't work. 

panoramic view of Rapid City-click for a better view
T-Rex is always the best!

Afterwards we had a hotdog and drink and a bowl of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. I picked up a post card to send to my class back in England. They would have loved this!

Trying on daddy's hat

Then it was back to the house to start our garden new neighbor Kenny was so kind enough to till up for us! Darren and B mowed down some of the grass  leading down to the garden and around it. The mosquitoes were terrible and I am covered head to toe with bites! 

It doesn't look like much now, but hopefully we will see signs of life in a month or two! Stay tuned.

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