Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

Thankful For...


A fabulous first Thanksgiving in England!  

Manchester United Football Game

They won-7-1!

We found the North Pole in the UK instead of the AK! :D

And saw another amazing city center-Manchester
(on top of the ferris wheel )

It snowed 2 inches today-we're NOT thankful for that!!




I have been fortunate to not have Darren deploy since we were stationed at Hill AFB, Utah. It's hard to believe it has been five years since his last major deployment.  Luckily he won't be leaving anytime soon, but we know the next deployment is inevitable while stationed here.  Next week Darren goes on swing shift, so that means I will get to see him for two hours during the day and when waking up and going to sleep. I guess I'll take it and be thankful that he is here.

The military is his mistress and sometimes 
she gets all the attention!!

These are some old photos from past deployments in
Afghanistan and Iraq while stationed at Pope AFB, NC.

FALLing for FALL!


We finally get to experience another season besides winter-FALL! And I am in LOVE!
On my way to work I pass through Thetford Forest. It stretches for 50,000 acres and is absolutely gorgeous!  I had to pull over and take some pics to share. The camera phone doesn't show how truly vibrant the trees are this time of year. I'm so lucky to be able to see and experience "tree tunnels" every day!

I love how they have trimmed the trees so trucks can pass through in this pic.