Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

FFW to Summer!


I'm going to fast forward a bit because I'm afraid after the next two weeks I will be extremely busy and there will be not a whole lot of time to blog.  I have exactly 11 days until school is out, 9 in school. YIPPEE!  Then Scott, Tammy and Lizzo (Darren's aunt, uncle and cousin from Texas) will be flying into London for a two week visit. We plan on driving up north as far as Scotland and making a loop back around sight seeing Great Britain.
After that I will be flying to Atlanta see one of my very best friend's, Danielle, for three weeks. American food, right side driving, affordable shopping, and sunny beach, here I come!  Of course I will be very close to HOME SWEET HOME. So that leaves me another three weeks to see family and friends in Iowa. Family, see you some time between July 22-August 11! Eek! I can't wait!
My new nephew will probably make an appearance before I get there, but I'd rather him come early than late! It's hard to believe we have lived here a year and it's been just over a year since I have seen everyone. Next year everyone comes to see ME!! Just sayin'. Love to you all! Have a sunshiny, carefree summer! And to anyone reading this,  watermelon and corn on the cob are must haves!! Thanks in advance. :D

The weather is already summery and heavenly here in England. This is a picture of the River Cam in Cambridge where the rowing teams were practicing while I stopped to snap a photo after a 6 mile walk!