Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

This and That

Our new home in Thetford

I'm so behind on this blog. I suppose I should start updating in case anyone out there might be reading it! So here is a little of this and a little of that!
First our new house, we moved in two weeks ago today. WOW! The internet connection is bad right now, but I managed to post a few pics of the inside. The table and chairs we got from our landlord, who says the chairs are 80 years old! Other than that, we have a futon, bed, tv and computer. Our household goods should arrive in the next 4 weeks, if we're lucky. Darren's vette (his baby) is also enroute and should be here June 21. (Sidebar, he's currently trying to get us tv and maneuvering the satellite dish....while I sit here and tell him if there is a signal or not. LOL!) We'll have a phone and better connection starting June 8. So that's most likely when we'll be able to call via land line, but I still prefer SKYPE!
We just got back from London this afternoon, so all I can do right now is sit I'm so sore and tired from the walking we did. It was worth it! We saw more in 2 days than most people I'd say. We were just in awe of it all and I think we finally have the hang of train and tube transportation. Sounds like we will have our first visitors soon: Patrick (Darren's step-brother) June 11 followed by my friend Kelcey, June 13!! We are very anxious to show them around our part of England!

It's Memorial Day, so I'm also taking time to remember those whom we've lost and especially those soldiers who have fallen fighting for our freedom. I hope you are too! God Bless all of you!

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