Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

Linton Zoo-Linton, Cambridgeshire

13 October 2012

Our first zoo trip, minus Darre. He was jealous though because we got to see some
pretty cool animals up close and personal.

Our friend Sarah and her daughter Cale joined us. Cale was pretty active, so I didn't get any pictures of her, but her friend Zoe is in the background feeding the kangaroo some grass.

Afterwards we ventured over to Hixton to a quaint little gastro pub called the Red Lion and enjoyed some delicious sea bass, with leek and potato soup and mixed vegetables. It was a chilly fall day so we sat in the corner near a cozy little fire place. A perfect day out for all of us.

I think B will be walking in a month or two. He's pulling himself up and balancing with one hand very well, some times with no hands at all. He waves his left hand to say, bye. Too freggin' cute! He is so much fun at this stage because he is becoming more social and I think he is beginning to understand what are saying. He even listens attentively when we are talking about him and then starts laughing right along with us. 
We just love him and he makes us smile more every day.

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