Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

Fun all night with nothing but light!

Lindsey flew in last Saturday and we have had a lot of fun while she's been here. There was a lot of rain this week, but we were able to do all the touristy stuff around the North Pole area. We took a cruise on the Tanana Chief Sternwheeler that goes down the Chena River in Fairbanks on Tuesday night. They served us prime rib and salmon and it was about an hour and a half trip. I took her on base yesterday. I couldn't let her leave without seeing at least one moose, she was lucky enough to see three! A momma and her two babies, which is rare. We are going downtown tonight for the summer solstice and Midnight Sun Festival to see the midnight sun. Darren and I haven't had a chance to experience the festival yet. It was over 80 degrees today, so we're hoping the weather stays nice so we can share some pictures with everyone. Lindsey keeps saying how much she likes it up here, but I told her this IS the best time to come, she might not be saying that come November. I am sad that she has to leave tomorrow already. I hope we get more visitors soon--hint, hint!

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