Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

Mailbox Walk

June 17, 2015

Walking to the mailbox is hard work. It took us roughly 20 minutes. 15 of which was spent nudging Bradyn along as we walked back up the hill towards home. He wanted water so badly, but once we were back, he just wanted to go play. We are exactly .65 of a mile away- round trip- from the mailboxes and we're the closest to them! Gotta love those wide open spaces.

 I also spotted this lovely spiked flowering plant on the hill near our house and dug it up then transplanted it near the front of the house. I think it looks pretty good there and probably won't get much bigger. I just hope it survives. 

We had to walk down to check on the garden and also turned on the sprinkler. Turns out Bradyn does like water when no one is trying to convince him getting wet is fun. PS-He had to run in immediately afterwards to change his clothes because he strongly dislikes being in wet clothes.

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