Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

New Record


 Just as I was about to start this post, my first awkwards and awesomes list for Bradyn, he gave me the ultimate awkward. An extremely explosive, record breaking poo! EWWWWWW!  He was covered head to toe because he was kicking around in it. Agh, no not the face! I did not stop to take pics. No, I will spare you that much! Instead I marched him upstairs, woke up dad to announce this momentous occasion, undressed Bradyn, and threw his onesie and blanket into the wash. Should have threw him in too, but instead we went back downstairs for a sponge bath. Ahh, he is now squeaky clean, with the smell of Burt's Baby Bee-awesome!

More Awkwards
  • Not sure where to put this, but Bradyn has discovered the TV and loves it.
  • Doing everything one handed. Luckily he just dosed off so I could finish typing this post with two hands.
  • Bradyn wanting to sleep close to his mama is awesome, waking up soaked in pee-awkward.

My Funny Valentine
  • When he smiles just after a feeding and slowly drifts off to sleep. Sometimes he even laughs out loud-adorable!
  • He spends more time awake now and studies our faces. He wins every staring contest, hands down.
  • His facial features becoming more pronounced. He still looks like his mama!
  • My left arm, no longer my weak arm. Major guns forming here!
  • First outing with the stroller to the Valentine's Day Bizarre-successful!
  • Darren and Bradyn sleeping. Priceless.


New Bear Socks

 The awesome list is longer, this is good.  Forgot to mention this weekend my friends, the Elliott's, are coming over to take pictures of us with Bradyn. So excited! Can't wait to see how they turn out and I really can't believe he's 
1 month old already! 

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