Buffalo Sighting

Buffalo Sighting
Wall Drug

6 Days 1 Carryon

20 June 2013

Okay, Ryanair I think we're finally ready for our inspection. 1 carryon under 22 pounds and within your other outlandish requirements which exclude children under the age of 2 to have their own personal items. I will of course be taking out my wallet, passport, phone and anything else that will help me make weight. (Now let's hope my bathroom scale is correct, otherwise B's diapers will be the first thing to go!) LOL! Kidding. 

Here's what I packed. I picked a color scheme for the two of us-navy. We will have laundry facilities and the BX nearby, which is always nice! It will be warm in Germany, so we don't need to pack too much. There's no way I could do this in the winter!

1 navy maxi dress
3 tank tops gray, coral and blue 
2 pairs of shorts-denim and khaki
3 cotton short-sleeved tops-green, white and navy striped (pictured), navy coral and white 
1 pair of gray cotton capris (my pjs)
1 pair brown flip flops
5 pairs of undies
2 bras
1 bikini
Jewelry-1 watch, 1 necklace and 3 pairs of earrings
For the flight I will be wearing a white tank, button down chambray, dark denim jeans and gray TOMS and a light khaki jacket.

For B:
3 white t's and 3 striped t's with navy, green and gray 
1 plaid button down (pictured)
5 pairs of socks
1  pair swim trunks
3 pairs of cotton shorts-almost like capris on him because of the length
1 pair of pjs
1 pair pj bottoms
5 diapers-we will buy more later
For the flight he will be wearing 2 cotton t's, navy shorts, navy shoes and a gray GAP fleece
If we're lucky, they will let me put his cute monkey harness on!  We will be allowed to have the stroller to check at the gate.

From last hotel visit small shampoo, conditioner, lotion
Hair gel
Wrinkle release
Make-up is minimal-concealer, eyeliner, colored chapstick, mascara, blush
1 Pack of baby wipes with travel changer
SAT NAV-muy importante!
Passports and Biometrics Cards
iPad with case  and car mount
2 Sippy cups
Boarding Passes and itinerary
Car rental details

Whew! Can't believe it all fits in a backpack.

Toddler Tales

17 June 2013

Bradyn is currently taking every single toy he can find and throwing it outside.  Last night he took every thing that was within reach of the bathtub (which was filled with water) and threw it in. This included his unused diaper, which proceeded to swell up like a water balloon! While I was typing earlier he found my bag of nail polish and took one bottle at a time and threw them into the recycling bin. I guess he thought I should get rid of it. Normal toddler behavior? Maybe I have a mini hoarder. haha!

Lil B turns 17 months tomorrow. I am loving his funny personality and infectious laugh. 

His signature eyebrow raise.

He loves playing outside and I'll gladly taken him out to play on the playground or stroll around the neighborhood while the weather is cooperating. We have to enjoy it as it comes. New words this week: car, whoa, Holly, (on her birthday) and yeah! He says yeah to everything. Let's hope he says yeah to flying on a plane because on 
Friday we leave for Germany to see Darren. I'm so anxious and nervous about the flight, but if I stay calm, I'm sure B will too. Still, I have snacks and Peppa ready to occupy him!

Taking Advantage of Some Sun

2 June 2013

iPhone photo dump from our trip to Coventry and Nottingham last weekend. 

Third highest spire in England

Coventry Cathedral-
left-ruins after WWII
right-newly built addition

Sangria and Sun at La Tasca-yum!  

Below-Wollaton Hall Deer Park and Bruce Wayne Manor with friend Morey.

31 May 2013

My baby is no longer a baby. He is officially a pro at stair climbing and is sitting at the big boy table at daycare. (They use spoons and cups you know.)  He's also good at slapping, pulling, and pinching and thinks it's hilarious. Me, I'm not too impressed with these new found behaviors.  I've practiced my best "Stop!" and "I mean it." voices. He mostly just laughs, but sometimes he cries.  Vindictive like dad, yet sensitive like mom. He's just too darn cute to be mad at for very long. Just look at that smile. Boy, am I in trouble!

Road trip to Coventry-Memorial Day weekend. The boy has 12 chompers now!

In other news, we'll be saying goodbye to dad for 6 weeks as he heads off to Germany for NCO Academy. (New Noncommissioned Officer Academy) We're hoping to fly into Frankfurt and then take a bus to Ramstein AFB to see him. We will definitely be seeing Nana Page and Bumpa Page in four weeks and hopefully flying then-can't wait!